[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Wind or derps is scum

/vote Derps

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Maple Light 1/5
PokemonKidRyan ArcticXI 1/5
WindwardAway SirDerpsAlot 1/5
SirDerpsAlot WindwardAway, Min 2/5

Ping me for any wrong votes

somehow i doubt that Windward is

How is Wind scum in the slightest?

How am I scum

yeah, I remember that. Iā€™m just wondering if thereā€™s a specific reason Eevee didnā€™t choose to remove Intensify or Light earlier. Min removed Intensify and Eevee removed Light in favor of leaving Marl and me in the PoE.

I donā€™t know why youā€™d specifically narrow it down as me vs. Derps. Remember Arctic mentioned bussing is a thing, and remember that town has been doing a great job of tunnelling town in this game as well.

This paragraph is just agenda

how is that agenda? Iā€™m reminding people not to discount bussing, since Arctic seemed to have thought I forgot that PKR might be bussing you. Iā€™m not a wolf, so Iā€™m not bussing you, but Arctic is right in that bussing is possible at this point for towncred.

whoa, what happened to the quote lol
I pressed the reply button, not quoteā€¦

because Iā€™ve been scumposting the entire game, idk?

because youā€™ve literally done nothing helpful and are completely unaware of the game state

Wouldnā€™t scum be more aware

Honestly, it would be a more fun game if they were. But they missed kills twice, so no, they are apparently not or else theyā€™re pretending to not be aware.

Because you know Iā€™m not a wolf so if itā€™s between me and you and I die you go next

We could just kill Maple

wtf, I donā€™t know that youā€™re not a wolf? My vote is on you because I do think youā€™re a wolf.

Both kills were blocked?

You are a wolf lol

yes, the only successful night kill was N2.

how are you not paying any attention

What does that have to do with scum not knowing whatā€™s happening