[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Right, but if we assume Maple and Eli are both out by tomorrow, and someone who isn’t Arctic is yeeted the day after, why are you assuming the kill that night won’t be Arctic? He’s the next most confirmed town, so wouldn’t you think the scum would kill him after the last JoaT is gone? That’s what I don’t understand; if scum wanted to cast a wider net, they wouldn’t leave Arctic alive at the end. (Also, Arctic won for town in LyLo in the Pokémon 9er if that says anything.) I guess my point is, as Derps even said, I’m definitely scummier than Arctic. Unless you vote me out right after Maple, or else if we vote correctly twice in a row and win, I don’t see why I wouldn’t be one of the remaining people in LyLo. Essentially I’m questioning if this is a TMI on your part in assuming Arctic is alive during LyLo, but I’m giving you room to explain yourself because maybe I’ve missed something in your logic.

I’m gonna leave one more question here for everyone else before I go to sleep, just in case people come back to vote and possibly hammer before I reappear - what are people’s reasons for townreading Light? The reasons I had were because his posts looked decently solvy, according to what I wrote, and at least he’s had his eye on Maple this whole time, but I’m starting to wonder if I actually have solid enough reasons for a townread or not. I have to question everything at this point and reevaluate my reads, and I don’t actually think I put very much effort into reading Light this entire game which makes me disappointed in myself.

Which would then leave Intensify, myself, and one other person

did you even bother to read my post

Me, (Arctic), and Intensify
Could be - all three of us
me and arctic
me and intensify
arctic and intensify


wait, is it just because I assumed LyLo was 3 people remaining and it would actually be 5 people remaining if Maple isn’t scum? I think the part that I missed was “if Maple is not scum”.

Ftr I’m pretty sure team is PKR/Maple
PKR is the only one in my PoE who actively went to try and placate me with a townread while I’m being the loudest voice in the game, so…

I… gave both options. In the first one, Eli dies and we’re instantly in LyLo… with me, you, PKR, intensify, and Arctic.
I just explained the second one

Wind. This is going to be rude.


Please stop making me repeat myself.

yeah, see, this assumes that if Maple is town, PKR and I have to be scum together.

This… says 2v1 but includes 4 people so I think one of your towncore has to be dead by then, too.

maybe I’m just too tired to count properly

Wind, holy shit.
Stop making me repeat myself. Please.

yeah I missed the word combination, whatever

So, if there’s three alive, and we assume the nightkill is locked on Eli tonight, only one of my three towncores could die.

I’m trying to be nice, but you’re being very aggravating. I understand it’s late at night, but if this is ??? to you, perhaps you should have a good sleep and come back refreshed in the morning.

Well, the other problem I see with it is that you assume PKR or I would be yeeted before you/arctic/intensify, but min seemed like they were leaning toward yeeting intensify next, and PKR is definitely leaning toward yeeting intensify next. So what happens if Intensify gets yeeted next in the case that Maple is town? It ends up being you + Arctic + 3 people who are not Intensify.

anyway I think that’s all I have to say for now, and I’ll just go to sleep because it doesn’t add up in quite the same way for me from my PoV (probably because from my PoV I’m locktown).

shrug a small possibility.

I understand. Sleep well.

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also @Maple i hope you plan on defending yourself at some point

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Wouldn’t be surprised if Maple hammered themself instead lol

if maple hammers himself he has to say ‘boom bye town’

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Oh yeah I forgot about that last detail.

Uhhh not sure… PKR? Might be just me but PKR has barely interacted with Maple at all, feels like distancing.

Read ma ISO analysis on him

Wasn’t Min killed cause lolJoatclaim?

Ok this assumes 2 other people + PKR tommorow are willing to lonch me I think?

gonna do that now

yes they were, but I’m keeping this in mind just in case.

yeah, which might not be true since one of them (Min) is already dead. but also, if we get Maple out we might not have a 90% chance of the day ending in a hammer anymore, so plurality yeets might be a thing again.