[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Sorry, my brother is trying very emphatically to make me drink, which I don’t want to. Still have a bit in me though, so apologies in advance for any errors.

  1. Eli is actually here and participating. I understand that much of what he’s doing is objectively bad, but I don’t exactly expect wondrous town play from him.
  2. “objectively bad”

But his bullshit JoaT claim didn’t give you a strong ping?

I… didn’t see that. That changes things, a bit.

So now thunderdome between Eevee and Eli

if min flips town i want to lynch pkr for this post

it’s a good post

From this point forward Eevee is now Marcus

Wake the fuck up Samurai, we’ve got a village to burn

not seein it chief

No Lynch November is over

If this stays the same the day is 100% ending on an eli lynch
Windward can just self pres onto eli

we have 12 hours, someone come banter with me until EoD


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I have no clue why you’d want to execute me for wanting to not execute a claimed PR.
But shrug

I say things how I think of them. Most people here would be able to say that about me (I hope)

you bought min’s claim way too quickly

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Eh, they’re a newbie and I have no reason to doubt them unless there are counterclaimers which I have said in my ISO, if you’d want to look.

Unless I am given a direct reason to doubt it, then I’m going to trust it.

It’s not as if this is a closed setup. We know we have JOATs

Also their tone of anger and frustration earlier came across as pure.
I could imagine being really annoyed in their position.

Maybe I’m being too empathetic and just trusting them due to it, but, that’s just how I am.
Sorry, not sorry.

I have time in about 1 hour after dinner, then I’m free from all those mind-numbing talks.

Hopefully, don’t want any sudden turnouts…

I’ve more than felt that certain groupings that can potentially be “buddies” or mindmelding together.

I praise the chaos that ensued after I purposefully voted Eli. For the reason for why I voted Eli after min, it was because I needed a catalyst to blow things up. For why, it was to create more content.

I’m not that good to read someone or analyze people with the little information that I have. But I can create chaos, intentionally or unintentionally. If scum are inexperienced, they would be unsure of their next step as of that situation. People did immediately drop me in their “towniness” read but I’m pretty sure what I’ll get would be worthwhile.

And btw let’s unvote to see what we get. There’s more than enough time for the others to get on with Marl and PKR :3 (Not vote them, communicate)


The more ya’ll talk the better. Imma sit back and chill, just like the lazy bastard I am.

Yes I’m aware that 99% of my posts are “please wait” but please wait >_<