[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

I ned content ree

Hello Ned Content

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Ned Content is a great youtuber alias

: |

Iā€™m gonna dartboard Eli as town

now you might be wondering
marl what does dartboarding mean

itā€™s like pinning something but from a longer distance with less accuracy
and itā€™s now official terminology in the Merriam-Webster dictionary


Intensify moment

/vote intensify

Confused noises

the ratio of memes to actual content is pretty worrying

how is wind going to make a wallpost now hMMM

posting actual content? couldnt be me

Thatā€™s the spirit

/vote arctic

I refuse to believe youā€™d say this


I am so supremely confident in my abilities, and so thunderously calm + relaxed, that I will make a single irrelevant post at SOD then peace out for hours on end. I wonā€™t do anything villagery, I wonā€™t make any reads, Iā€™ll make 49 shitposts over the next 47 hours, then once EOD rolls around Iā€™ll make an unspecified number of additional shitposts. No cogent thought will escape these handsome lips. I will be illogical, haphazard, superfluous, inessential, pointless, redundant, uncalled for, unwarranted, unjustified, and gratuitous. The effen theorem will catch me with my pants betwixt my ankles. Iā€™ll vote off-wagon, talk about random nonsense, and make inappropriate japes concerning my relation to wolfchat. I am preemptively declaring any responses to this post ā€œfair enoughā€. Iā€™ll complain about a lack of WIM, the cause of which is nebuluous, obscure, and entirely insufficient. I will fabricate excuses and pretend I am busy to avoid posting in this thread, when in fact I will be watching cartoons and eating cheeto puffs in my underwear. More specifically, black boxer-briefs. You canā€™t stop me. You canā€™t mislynch me. Youā€™re powerless. I laugh in your face. Iā€™m a villager, therefore I can do whatever the fuck I want. Go cry in wolfchat, you big baby. While youā€™re poring over the thread, searching for any clue at all to help you in the seer hunt, know that I am still watching those cartoons and eating those cheeto puffs, nary a care in the world. My armpits are bone dry. Iā€™m a villager, what are you going to do about it? Nothing; you will do nothing about it, because thatā€™s all you can do. Ligma. Whatā€™s ligma? Ligma balls.


Damn cold
Just like the Arctic

Arctic scum

Calling it

The lad has memed like every sod1 heā€™s had so far why is he complaining about it now