[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS


also have a thought but will let you two argue more :eyes:

spill the beans while I am here

haven’t you only played with night like… three times?

am i forgetting a game

I guess?, but the reasoning of not wanting to mislynch me again seems fair for anyone who has ever played with me before

I’ll be here for 15 more minutes btw

A prime example of me having really bad reads as town

It is not just a jojo thing

I literally switched my read on arctic in the span of like 3 minutes

that’s not the kind of bad reads I am talking about

yes they are

I have not pushed agenda in this game

valid ig

my thought was that i wanted you to expand on what you disliked about my posting style

i feel hurt

I’m talking about poor surface level reads when you are scum with little progression

It’s a personal thing, I thought the same of whysper when I played my first game with them

I haven’t made a poor surface level read.

I am not playing as I am in jojo, and the similarities that uwu was worried about are not really ai as I’ve made bad reads as town, they just weren’t filled with agenda

you’ve played with me before and never said that :frowning:

but like, i wasn’t sure if you meant you disliked my posts or not because

if you dislike how i talk why are you bringing it up unless you think its AI

do you think its AI?

I scumread eli and I voted him before he revealed

that is literally the only example of a scumread that I had progression with

I townread marl and was wrong too. I didn’t say oh marl is bad and do a 360.

I have? I feel like you have a few posts that piqued my interests as odd, but you really don’t have too many partnery interactions with marl.

you were wrong in an FM game, prepare to die

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gorta, your idea of “partnery interactions” is just me interacting with marl


your… lack of awareness of whats going on makes me want to call you a villager

i’ve resigned to losing to night if thats the world, though

and i also don’t think its min

:joy_cat: fuck