[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Okay, as you don’t have an actual counterclaim that wasn’t an rt, I’m going to put you in my townspace

Me, Eevee, wind, eli

All of these people I am not comfortable killing whatsoever today.


I think I only have an hour to be here tbh
would be back a while later, though, so any questions and I’d be happy to answer

oh right, yeah, that was really sucky timing
i was trying to maintain a constant presence but my mom came into my room and wouldn’t leave so I started yelling at her -_- can’t get anything done without my parents hovering while i live at home
guess i shouldve read the thread and not said anything at all, but I needed to place my vote as there were like 5 minutes left.

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Hey, why didn’t you vote marl eod?

also, fortunately it should be apparent by my push on Marl that I’m not scumbuddies with him.

real question, though. Maple said I was scum for having to ISO Marl in order to prove he was scum. Is ISOing actually not a good thing? or what even was that argument? I can quote it if anyone doesn’t remember.

Isoing is a good thing lol

I felt fucking stressed out and didn’t know which wagon to vote on.
Especially since I was being pushed so I was panicking and trying to defend myself.

it is a good thing
i think that maple is basically just saying “lol you didn’t already have a read on him before isoing lol”
which is
but like
there’s only one world where he is scum and that’s the world where he’s buddies with eevee which is impossible

What interests me is that pkr voted eevee and didn’t try to self pres or anything

this right here

it doesn’t convince me that Maple is scum anyway, but I did give my read on Marl before ISOing. I ISO’d because Derps wanted me to give more of an explanation than just “I don’t like Marl’s presence here and I don’t think his dartboards did anything”

i think what he’s trying to say is you read without reason, and make up the reasons later

Eevee wasn’t a wagon, though

Like obviously pkr didn’t die but he was close to and he didn’t join a wagon he just voted Eevee instead

Don’t know what this means alignment wise

Alright someone give me a reason to not vote Maple here.

Also I’m back. I’m feeling a little better now

ahh ok
yeah I’m not good with gutreading or tonereading so I’ll basically never claim to do so
but i guess i shouldve posted the ISO before saying anything? but it was still an answer to Derps’ question lol.

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i think there’s one world in which he is scum and in that world he’s scumbuddies with eevee, which is impossible because eevee is mech conf town

idk either. I feel like the smart scum move would just to be to vote on a wagon to ensure he doesn’t get randed out. Eevee voted on him, though, no? was it an OMGUS vote?

Ok but why is he town exactly? I feel like I’m missing something.

although to be fair i am starting to imagine a world where that’s not the case


How can you imagine a world where Eevee isn’t mech confirmed

There was no kill. I healed eevee. They can’t be not confirmed.