[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Maple maybe you can imagine

There’s no single world where Eevee isn’t town rn

no i’m starting to imagine a world where he’s not scumbuddies

I don’t actually think Maple would have to be scumbuddies with Eevee, but on the other hand as I said before, Maple did a move that looks extremely dumb for town but even dumber for scum. So unless Maple is playing us and being like “see, this is why I can’t be scum” as opposed to “this is why I’m town”, I don’t see it as a strong possibility. At least, not the strongest.

but I want their reads after Marl’s flip for sure.

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So… I unvoted.
I didn’t realise Eevee had JOAT claimed and I said this at EoD.

If anyone was around EoD they could have seen how quickly I was typing and panicking that I was going to die. I couldn’t think enough of who to vote.

but is still scum

I’m not very convinced on Maple and I don’t really know why most of you think they’re town, so it would be really nice if you could explain it to me

oh whoops, I thought that was the final vc, my bad.
unvoting doesn’t look like a scum move here, I’m not ready to scumread you just for awkward timing.

i don’t think they’re town
but i also think out of 100 worlds where he’s scum, there’s like 90 where he’s scumbuddies with eevee



Don’t quite get it still…


what i’m saying is it’s much more likely that he’s scumbuddies with eevee, which is impossbile because eevee mechtown

So marl dart boarded literaly nobody but wind arctic and maple

Who wants to guess one of the three are scum

And it’s not wind

literally the only thing that could convince me that Maple is town is that they cc’d town JoaT after min and Eevee both claimed town JoaT, but after Maple hardclaimed VT, and then Maple said they don’t know which of min and Eevee are fake despite knowing that min claimed A and Eevee claimed B. Additionally, Maple didn’t even notice that the JoaT abilities were listed in the thread information.

basically, it would’ve been extremely bad to do that as scum, but it’s also a good play if they are scum and want people to think they’re town because it’s a bad scum play.

Why does he have to be scumbuddies with Eevee specifically? Yesterday was a clusterfrick so I’m still a little confused rn

i think there’s uncanny cooperation there

that’s what it boils down to

So too wolfy to be wolfy type of stuff?