[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

the ratio of memes to actual content is pretty worrying

how is wind going to make a wallpost now hMMM

posting actual content? couldnt be me

That’s the spirit

/vote arctic

I refuse to believe you’d say this


I am so supremely confident in my abilities, and so thunderously calm + relaxed, that I will make a single irrelevant post at SOD then peace out for hours on end. I won’t do anything villagery, I won’t make any reads, I’ll make 49 shitposts over the next 47 hours, then once EOD rolls around I’ll make an unspecified number of additional shitposts. No cogent thought will escape these handsome lips. I will be illogical, haphazard, superfluous, inessential, pointless, redundant, uncalled for, unwarranted, unjustified, and gratuitous. The effen theorem will catch me with my pants betwixt my ankles. I’ll vote off-wagon, talk about random nonsense, and make inappropriate japes concerning my relation to wolfchat. I am preemptively declaring any responses to this post “fair enough”. I’ll complain about a lack of WIM, the cause of which is nebuluous, obscure, and entirely insufficient. I will fabricate excuses and pretend I am busy to avoid posting in this thread, when in fact I will be watching cartoons and eating cheeto puffs in my underwear. More specifically, black boxer-briefs. You can’t stop me. You can’t mislynch me. You’re powerless. I laugh in your face. I’m a villager, therefore I can do whatever the fuck I want. Go cry in wolfchat, you big baby. While you’re poring over the thread, searching for any clue at all to help you in the seer hunt, know that I am still watching those cartoons and eating those cheeto puffs, nary a care in the world. My armpits are bone dry. I’m a villager, what are you going to do about it? Nothing; you will do nothing about it, because that’s all you can do. Ligma. What’s ligma? Ligma balls.


Damn cold
Just like the Arctic

Arctic scum

Calling it

The lad has memed like every sod1 he’s had so far why is he complaining about it now

I’m not reading this but I’ll say LOL and pretend I found it funny

Fair enough

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i memed in one SoD (where i was a wolf)
so following this logic, me not meming is actually town AI

You memed in 9er too


Actually nvm you didn’t

You deathtunneled everyone

how am i supposed to think that your read on me wasn’t bullshit when by following your logic it should actually lead to a townread on me

Perhaps I’ll give you Reddit towncred

Okay nvm ur locktown
