Note: This idea is not my own and taken from another mafia site, I also don’t expect this to be accepted, I kinda just want to see what people will think of it
Immune to Convert
Magical Shield(Passive) - You are immune to death at night and to the Magical Plague
Magical Plague(Passive) - If you live for 3 further nights after a hex is activated, the Magical Plague will arrive at the castle and kill ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE (except you because of Magical Shield)
Hex(Night) - Hex a player, this lasts 2 nights and will not be notified, if a player is attacked while a hex is on them, the hex becomes activated, an announcement will be made “You hear a menacing cackle from somewhere” to all players - Infinite Uses
Your Objective is to successfully bring the Magical Plague to the castle
Yes this class is stupidly powerful, but that’s the price you have to pay when literally everyone will want you dead once they hear the cackling and every faction will be hunting you down
I was also thinking of adding this to FoL but it might not be too popular lul