Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Alright, I caught up. Tbh, I don’t really care much about everything that’s going on. I just want to do something in Chapter 3, and then I wouldn’t mind dying afterwards.

oh yeah if we’re playing straight up survivor

marshal you better have a good reason for trying to get me killed AFTER I EXPLAINED THAT I DID NOT WANT TO KILL YOU, WHICH YOU ACKNOWLEDGED

When my father was 25 years old, he was very drunk and ended up, by strange and complicated circumstances, on the white house lawn. He was quickly apprehended, and taken back to the police station for questioning. When asked his name, he said “I am Bill Mates”. So the police knew what they had to do. They searched up Bill Mates. Bill lived in Pennsylvania and worked in a furniture factory. So the FBI went and arrested Bill Mates. “Guys, this guy said he was me but you have him in the station! This can’t be me, I’m not that guy!”. But the FBI saw through such futile lies. They arrested him and let my dad go free. Ever since, I have strived to repeat his legacy.

My dad’s name? Bill Gates.

when did you say this

Was this before or after I tried to kill you the first time


i explained it to marshal and appy right after i woke up

Wow that is super helpful thank you

I never actually was trying to kill you, all of that stuff was more or less a meme

I had a hot take earlier on the mastermind thing but haven’t said anything yet

there was a second time?

you literally tried to kill me twice

that’s just objectively a lie

second time was recorded and posted in-thread

I assume she means the stuff I said to derek (which I didn’t realize would be public)

You were, at the time, still #1 on my hit list but you’ve shifted down to at least 6

There’d be no way I could actually kill you with that lol

go on wind

Remember that piece of paper that had a name beginning with “MA” and said “Ultimate Maste…”?

What if the name isn’t a character name but it’s an actual username?

marshal hit list

ultimate master chef?

I knew the kills would be with the plague mechanic, wazza would never subvert that just to get a kill that you could do nothing to prevent.