Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

anarchy chess is pretty good

valid take

thank you ici
very cool

at any rate I 100% trust that App knows where the sacrifice card went because either he had control of it at some point, or Intensify got stuck with it, and either way, App knows where it is as long as he believes I really traded with Intensify the 3rd time.
So just follow his lead and don’t vote anyone he seems opposed to voting.

yeah thats what i was thinking.

its legit valid app did that if Intensify told him an hour before main game start

so he pulled the trigger right at the last second to force a trade

well, as I said, he knew I went afk after the trade because he poked me, so he was free to do whatever and also assume that I traded exactly as I said I would.
control of the sacrifice card is very good to have until the last moment, so I think it would’ve been advantageous for him to control it as well. He had plenty of tokens to spare for it.

I’ve gotta say
I didn’t expect survivor to be so boring

This kinda scared me, since it means App is getting to control our target.

On a secondary note, Ici doesn’t have it because they said before that if they get sacrifice they’ll kill me… same as if I get sacrifice…

So my actual trying to take the bluffed sacrifice from Trochi, was a mission where I wouldn’t have lived if I succeeded anyway

i don’t actually find this boring because it isn’t fully-fledged survivor
like i’m at least trying to suggest who we kill ignoring who people like

I voted mist cause Based Thunderdome

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it’s been about control for him the entire game. he has everyone’s fullclaims or at least whatever they told him. he has almost everyone’s tokens through some way or another. he’s on top of what’s going on so it would only be natural for him to use his knowledge to come into possession of the sacrifice card and control it as well.

i think the problem is that i couldn’t tell you what exactly the Mastermind is…actually trying to do
which makes deduction regarding them hard

I am
about 90% sure that the thunderdome will mean nothing in the end

in DR you can pretty cleanly identify the Mastermind’s objectives- make a scenario in which committing murder is easy
but in this
i have no idea what the MM is doing

Oh yea most likely

Based Thunderdome though


participants care a lot about self pres

They could be smoking a blunt for all we know


I have a somewhat tinfoil theory
but it’s gonna depend on who gets voted out in the main game, so I’m gonna wait it out.
if we don’t vote out the sacrifice then my theory is automatically wrong.

I’m going to message Ici about my vote and ideas, since I kinda cannot talk to anyone else and we communicate telepathically