Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

you were also the first person to suggest it was voting manipulation

Actually, contrary to popular opinion, I can read

I don’t actually like the direction this thread is taking

because it’s the most sensical option


here’s a suggestion
we just… don’t kill mist
it’s more trouble than it’s worth

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it’s not
i explained why it’s not

it makes no sense for MM to use a voting manipulation ability there on an outted sacrifice who is never getting voted out in the first trial unless it’s infinite use

this is very plausible

i don’t think so
that’s busted in chapter 4


What else prevents us from votegaming every round to just solve it immediately

look people will veto mist and I don’t actually have any tangible reasons to want to kill her besides “it’s an easy one and she’s not doing much anti MM” but if one of those things goes away then weh


the sacrifice doesn’t have to vote themselves and probably won’t after CH1

plus, we tried solving the game by votes and it led to the conclusion that i was the sacrifice, so i don’t think it’s very reliable

are we openly claiming votes again after the first round?

see no reason not to

@ mastermind

please vote me
i’ll do it too

me rolling up to phase 2 with 3 votes like

i wonder who could have done this

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Excuse me, what?

I hate that I can’t wagon you to count as “directly killing you” as per my passive to rebecome the queen.
I have to advocate for you to live because if you die in this trial, in any way, then I’m dead.

yes because everything i’ve been doing is pro mist because you keep forcing my hand by trying to kill me

no offense PKR but
you’re my ally, but one of the reasons i need you alive is because you act as leverage to make killing me -EV

the other reason is that having allies is good and you’re trustworthy in most circumstances