Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

funny number xD

@an_gorta_pratai, which color does your key have?

o yeah


He already passed it on

I just need yellow

that’s very true
the sapir-whorf hypothesis proposes that this cognitive ability comes about due to language
in contrast, piaget’s theory of language is that it develops from the cognitions

there’s obviously the classic thought experiment concering this.

some theories suggest that we see color differently from each other. What I see as red might look blue to you, and what I see as blue might be yellow to you, etc. Not like colorblindness but I’d imagine it’s the same if you take the color cables in your TV and switcheroo them so that the images show but the color channels are all fucked up so you’ve got blue people and yellow blood on your screen.

which is how would somebody describe blue if they’d lived in a world specifically designed to have no examples of the colour blue in it for their enitre life

For the record, since I should’ve probably stated this earlier.

Looking at PKR’s Tube reveals two holes instead of the regular one that everyone else has.

@Trochilidae, WTF!?

Last keydrop removes 1 hour, so we have 3 hours and 20 mins left before we automatically lose.

…any last words? Mine is: Fuck.

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I had light blue to begin with and I was given a key, but didn’t get the color

the rules did not say no stripping

yes, but the time constraint doesn’t matter as long as we get all the correct keys in the locks in time. There’s only one left so if we lose an hour but also complete the puzzle, there’s no issue.


Guessing that means PKR is at the very top and can send his key either way.

yes but if the person who has the last key doesn’t show up for the next four hours

we’re in trouble

…hey, didn’t we have someone make a drawing of circles? Who did that? Was it @Apprentice? Can he add this info?

Ah, okay. Got it.

or if I were the mastermind

that would be unfortunate :rofl:

luckily im not tho :rofl:

Then everyone would lose :rofl:
