Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

because at least I personally stated my intent to vote out people who are mechanically the better choice, and you are never mechanically a better choice unless it’s a thunderdome between you and me.

and here, I think Whysper is a better mechanical choice because getting information about people’s passives is somewhat useful but we can also publicly share that information, while information about weather conditions and how they affect the game and stats is not publicly shareable without Marl.

I’m only comparing these two specifically as they’re being thunderdomed.

your argument is invalidated by the simple
fact that marl is the mechanically best person to kill and yet you still won’t because he’s part of your alliance

which gives me all the reason to think you will do this shit again and again

what do you want me to do, vote you out for the hell of it?
I’m not voting Marl because of his information.
Whysper hasn’t provided any information that I’ve found particularly useful, so unless she wants to tell us her abilities then I’m voting her.

if majority is leaning toward voting Marl, though, then I also vote Marl because I don’t want split votes.

whysper has solved more than marl and she isn’t confirmed non-MM so we have to solve
her socially atm


whysper hasn’t done anything

At this rate, yes.
Because they’re actively trying to fuck things up for everyone and therefore I think they’re harmful to the game as the game goes on.

why specifically do we want to vote out confirmed non-MMs again? I know we’re trying to get the MM to openwolf but beyond that I think it’s a bit detrimental to get rid of all obvtowns.

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there is no reason to keep the MM alive

more than you
she used her passive to check abilities and she’s solved more about mm than you

Arctic’s getting rid of someone who literally provides information and has done so already.
Either they’re MM or they’re harmful in the end.

Do not forget they traded just to spite me because I tried to do something fucking useful.

I’m actually going to say (and I apologize for this, PKR and Marl) that PKR is mechanically better to vote out than Marl because as a half-dead player he’s not that useful ability-wise and it would also resolve the Ici/PKR problem.

arctic isn’t going to change his mind regardless of how much the facts are stacked against him so he is literally a waste of breath
he’s too paranoid and self conscious to care about anything else

  1. Marl used his ult to literally check a weather already.
  2. Marl has a second ult.
  3. Marl has actually been solving, just because you haven’t been present doesn’t mean it’s not been happening.

honestly the weird thing is that Arctic doesn’t want me voted out despite that I’m doing exactly what he thinks is harmful to the game.

for you yes

but for everyone else pkr is a waste of a vote since we can easily remove him anyway

I literally agree.

If me or Marl die, I want it to be me.
I know I’m less useful.

the goal isn’t to remove people