Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

why exactly do you want people who aren’t confirmed non-Mastermind alive for the MM trial

the what
did you see Tommy Wiseau

no you can’t because you have majority and everyone is playing survivor and will refuse to vote you!

  1. why do we want to socially solve the MM? if we vote them out and they die, we win so poggers.
  2. no, Marl’s abilities say nothing about the MM, but if the weather affects game mechanics that are more than just stats (remember rain affects our rolls), then it’s actually important because there may be a type of weather that also affects votes or trades.


I basically believe there’s an incredibly huge chance that the weather gives us a fuckton of MM info, all lore this chapter hints directly to it.


pkr’s days are numbered aren’t they

like zero yes

…not at this point in the game

killing marl is probably -EV, PKR is dying anyway
i can’t affect the result any furhter from here but i won’t go apeshit if PKR dies


oh yes you do
marshal replaces PKR

That’s not how that’s going to work

honestly at this point no matter what arctic says he is going to vote me so i’m like losin’ it

but generally artic what i’d like is for everyone alive for the MM trial to be confirmed not MM

Marshal replaces me???

also arctic

why would, like, I not replace marl

your logic makes no sense stop being fucking stubborn and admit you are wrong

this is just common sense, right
you try and keep obvious villagers alive until the end of the game because it’s easier to solve that way

arctic’s logic assumes the alliances are fixed and is perfectly sound in that instance
but they aren’t actually fixed when you think about it, and that makes all the difference

his reasoning is entirely sound but nontheless is producing an incorrect conclusion because his base assumptions are improper