Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

assuming this game’s universe to be at least somewhat logical marl’s ability to manipulate the environment probably tells us something about the environment we’re in

okay so if we killed PKR

why am i supposed to think that you all won’t immediately kill me next chapter

use game knowledge
if all i can do is change the weather and learn what the weather does

if the weather does nothing
how does this role exist among these other overpowered roles

it specifically was “rain makes the mods harsher on us”

because we have no reason to besides you acting infuriating

Honestly idc who we lynch here

i just want Ici to detonate PKR after this trial

all im asking lol

For starters, what changes this likelihood if marl dies instead of PKR. Let’s address that first.

whether that means it’s easier to knock out and kill, or if it means our stat rolls get debuffed, idk, but considering we had a harder time knocking people out when it wasn’t raining, I guess you’re likely right

i dont know if i’m allowed to copypaste the description but it was basically the island becomes hardmode

actions are taken more seriously and consequences of our actions are more dire
while it was raining amelia strangled pkr with a necktie

pretty sure if Ici doesn’t personally take PKR out, someone else will anyway so I wouldn’t worry about it

and i killed Gorta with my knife

@Arctic the bit about the weather having deeper implications is IN my rolecard
if i flip and people see this with you pushing me literally everyone who wants to solve the game is going to be perpetually pissed at you

honestly i thought that was you doing an ability

surely the obvious question is
the suction tube from the game room to the bar indicates that this is a closed space
but if that’s the case how is there weather in here

I assumed the playing dead part was his ability

I did use an ability, i can use poison with my ult

i put it onto my knife, but the knife was lt was needed

i may have wasted my ult in the rain lol

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i thought it was like
all in one
a suicide bomb but not really suicide


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pretty sure the entire island is a closed testing arena

that’s why we get pulled back by a crane if we try to escape

Because this is coming from Marshal, I believe there might be truth in this. So I plan to self-prez by voting for PKR instead of Marl.

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