Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Or… you could just vote Whysper and live, with me.
Please Marl, I know people want me dead.
But earlier they were going to have you dead and I fought with full passion to save you.

Voting Whys here saves us both

like of appreciation for you because I actually liked your flower stat boosts? lol

My vote is currently on Marl

i put my vote on him like hours ago

its not locked

so discourse did a discourse and stopped showing new posts and i thought everyone was just silently reeling from the revelation of my ult’s strongest clause
but no

PKR is the best compromise between all parties, the only person being upset by this outcome is icibalus and even then it isn’t gamelosing for her

i cant wait for misty to come in and claim her vote on marl is locked :^)

whoever enables that, I will personally try to kill in the next chapter

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but yes killing PKR has a major downside, for the simple reason that you’re removing completely a possibility for an easy trial later in the game

there are upsides, i will grant you that
but keep that in mind when making your decision

you can’t kill me

I think the biggest problem right now is the lockvotes


Votee Votes Count
Whysper Trochilidae , Icibalus , Zone_Q11 , Marl, WindwardAway 5
Marl Mistyx, Intensify, ArcticXI, Blizer 4
PKR PKR , Whysper 2
Not Voting Apprentice, Marshal, Geyde 3

Bold = Locked

oh thanks lol
if there’s interest i’ll keep doing them but i realized i was being too forceful

Man y’all should vote me so you can blame me later for someone’s death

i’ll brb but like
i’m not voting whysper
i’m willing to accept a compromise and kill PKR because it removes someone from the majority group

that’s a completely sound argument
this is what everyone was regretting about killing Gorta so early, too.

ive also voted PKR

she literally can

and it would also be hilarious that the ‘outted sacrifice’ also gets voted

You guys basically can have me as a free trial.
Ici or me gets sacrifice? Boom, someone else is safe.
No other feasible votes? Boom, Ici can out my card.

I got into this main game via luck and my attitude has been kinda sucky to say the least.
I know that.
But please, I have passion and I have determination.