Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

yes he lockvoted you even though you aren’t nominated

i can’t get to sleep
i think about the implications
of dialin’ in too deep
and possibly the STD-ification

wtf guy you outed our secret alliance I can’t believe you would do this

Absolute pog

no you’re not nommed silly

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You’re not associated with the ungamer 4 therefore I consider you an ally

who’s getting dunked?

I sheep the majority so as not to stand out




that’s pretty intense

i’m still a little pissed my fps got revealed like that but weh

hey intensify can i have your tokens if i say that webber is based

ok is now a good time to reveal that the 4th trade was me stealing Keymaster from Marshal?

get Marshal everyone

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Ok you go into the second category for knowing where my pfp comes from

Marshal is now Sadge from this reveal


intensify it’s blatantly from Don’t Starve
i know the artstyle