Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

is this what you spent 2 minutes writing

Don’t forget I didn’t like survivor because of it too. It ended up having a 2 party alliance (Mine getting wrecked in the end) with others neutral to it and snipping back and forth.

I’d rather die than have this become survivor.
Yall know I’m active and rarely avoid missing out on Misc signups.
There’s a reason I didn’t join survivor.

but pkr you are making this survivor
you’re keeping certain people alive just because they are your friends even if it’s mechanically optimal to kill them

I can’t help being emotionally attached… and due to it, it’s making my fun just hurt a bit.
Sorry I’m like this I guess.

I’m also someone mechanically optimal to kill, don’t forget.
So please, just kill me before them.

When people protect me and care for me in games, it makes me happy.
So I want to return the same thing.

Not quite the the extent of a survivor thing, because I’m not looking out for my own survival while being with them.

If I can help them survive in this then that’s all I would want.

he could also just disable 3 strong people guarding 1 door, including a literal god of light, by pointing a flashlight at them, and then going past all 3 of them while carrying a limp body up a ladder

Ever tried carrying a limp body up a ladder? It’s very very very difficult. Truuust me.

see at least me breaking down the door into the dim room makes sense given my high strength stat

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I mean, I understand the max for stats before was said as 10.
But, I feel like it contradicts something that we’ve been told before.

Yep, I just checked.
People could have strength over 10.

So despite yall having ridiculous strength.
Mist might still have better

What the actual fuck lol

Light is Nagito confirmed

Or Light. It seems you were talking about Light.

But… Light died.
So let’s check their flipped card.

Light’s stats.
Idk whether this is base stats or post-bonuses from things such as their Chemistry passive.

If it’s base then maybe Light just got a f-ton of bonuses?

hi what’d i miss

my ‘light is a 20th level monk’ theory is probably correct


what’s the class feature of a 20th level monk again
i forgot

Not too much.
More discussion of who to vote for. Some MM discussion and weird circumstances discussion.

And me hating myself for how I play this game like I do many others

Perfect Soul

At 20th level, when you roll for Initiative and have no ki points remaining, you regain 4 ki points.


Ah. I think I get it.
You’re saying there’s some kind of circumstance that restores Light’s AP akin to Initiative

Light being a 20th level monk is an amazing theory