Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

I would also accept Light 20th level “Oath of Bullshit” Paladin

didn’t whysper say she used her ability to take light’s passive and because she knew what it was she could have just given him a bunch of free boosts


Im here

Im fine with literally just “kill mist”

it seems like she’s more or less given up

she did in fact say this

isn’t that just an Oath of Vengance paladin multiclassing as a Trickery Domain cleric

That would imply that oath of bullshit doesn’t grant you the power to teleport, nearly defy physics, and be fast as fuck

hold on a minute
light’s flipped stats probably aren’t his starting stats

you could probably combine caster classes to get the spells neccecary to do that

If that is the case then those stats are probably post-boost.
I feel like it’d be useful for people in round 2 to at least whisper their stats to someone else (their base stats. If they have received any boosts)

20th level moon druid is also a valid theory

turn themselves into like a plantar or someshit

He also has the artifact known as the infinity gauntlet, which allows him to cast wish 50 times before requiring a short rest

I will be forever bummed about dying before i could use the deck of many things ngl

should have used it night 2

i didn’t get told anyone bought the deck of many things

this is a suitable amount of lightposting

it actually went into the shop once blizer died


this is probably true
but I’m salty

I don’t want to vote Mist here and I will veto it
but do what you want

I think we should probably nom whysper as kind of a “safety” in case anything during phase 2 goes weird/awry