Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

And Light wasn’t involved, so it can’t be Zone.

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there is only one fucked up theory i can think of
which is that jane didn’t selfvote for some unknowable reason

isn’t there a vote unaccounted for on Arctic or something

what if Mastermind thought that Jane wasn’t the Sacrifice and that Arctic was, and decided to vote manip Jane’s vote to Arctic
or something

other than that i’ve got no edge theories that could explain it

I mean

jane had to have at least 1 vote on them

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it could be a “you place your vote here but it really counts for here” or smthn

i retract my theory.
i am a fool, an ignoramus, another fancy name for an idiot, etc.

One of Jane’s votes is mandatory on themselves and the other is free to move around
I don’t think Jane placed both votes on themselves or two people would be lying instead of one.

dude of course i’m already down

This is literally what Arctic said lol

i really should keep better track of the games i’m in huh

I like the word “nincompoop” because it’s funny

…you know what? I will just promise this now so I can’t be used as a reason anymore:

I will not hold any grudges from this game when it comes to PKR’s and my future death.

I will only ask you to let me live to Chapter 3 to do one thing, and ONE THING only. Afterwards you can use me as scapegoat for all I care.

You know that I am not MM because of my inaction of literally everything.
You know that I have been nerfed to ashes because of TL’s death, and was left only with 100% steal ability.
You know that I am basically gorta 2.0 considering all I did in Chapter 2 was bury Light and TL.

Honestly, please just let me have Chapter 3.

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this is accounting for Jane not self-voting

there is an automatic vote on the sacri always

Sure. Deal.

oops should’ve kept reading

dunking on me when i’m wrong is something you should be allowed to savour even if it happens very often

I forgot what TL’s ULT was, but mine was to change his vote to my favor.

How the heck does that work