Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Oops yes I realized that after I said that and someone corrected me on it

Wait no nevermind, I thought TWL had the same ability

Nah he had the objection ability

see i personally think we frontload our discussion too heavily on phase 1 of the Main Game but what do i know


There’s nothing much to discuss I guess.

Now that I think about it, I was probably gonna die this round no matter what I did

If traded last second, I would’ve been pretty much Commoner almost all the time, and if I got Keymaster, I’m like 99% sure I would’ve been hunted after that game, so oh well

I don’t recall putting myself in any group.
Any time I moved to a new place, there seems to be always so few people, which should’ve been perfect to make new alliances, but I simply didn’t approach them first.

I think the assumption most of us made is that you’re allied with PKR because you were so upset over his death in Chapter 1.

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Oh. Yeah, I totally was --before he died, that is.
Then I allied with TL --but then he died for real.

RIP, that’s pretty tragic.

i mean yes, but sacrifice also has the passive +1 vote
so we are assuming she didn’t vote herself, because if she did then that means two people are lying

replace jane with mist/blizer and
other than mm just being mist/blizer
this is the only possibility yes

Yep. If my entire purpose in this game is to be the tragic guy, then I want to do at least ONE THING to set my theme in stone.

If I said I didn’t think it was Mist or Blizer, at least not to their knowledge, would you laugh and tell me to get out of the game?

no i wouldn’t because i also want to think that
but i don’t know how likely it is

Mm yeah, my tinfoil theory would cover that case

Let’s just start by seeing if all the votes are accounted for this time, though. It’s gonna be harder for the MM to get away with faking votes this time.

hey zone i just wanna ask
what exactly do you want to do in ch 3?

probably get the sacrifice card
i say NO

I’ll give Zone the Sacrifice Card if he wants it right now

hehe :rofl: you guys can totally vote me out this round :pleading_face: I’m not the sacrifice :crazy_face: haha I swear :tired_face: