Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

didn’t Intensify actually openwolf earlier tho

intensify has openwolfed

that’s NAI but also he’s obv fucking sacrif

I got screwed by Wind and PKR and the others.

Nothing I could’ve done I guess : |

you could’ve asked me and I would’ve given you 50 token at beach


PKR made me think there was elaborate plan, and I heard about him having a good trust record for misc. so I took the bait to not switch, even though I did notice something was sketchy

come on guys i’ve already proven openwolfing is NAI
what more do you want

What are you trying to do now Arc

i am winning
what about you

Intensify do you want us to dig up your body and burn it in the game room

I don’t really care what you do with my body to be honest.


Wtf is that type of response

intensify can you post a will saying i get possession of all your belongings


What type of response did you want to get from me bruh.

no that’s a me sad you’re dying

Weren’t you in on that bs plan PKR made up

yeah but i never expected to have to deal with the consequences of my own actions

U know actually…

Why do you want to burn down the game room again

To send a message to the mastermind