Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

it would be a nasty thing to do, but it would save my life! i have to do what i can to win this game!

I’m not going to kill you, full stop.
Unless people want you dead.

I made this agreement with you multiple times.

i try and play as nicely as possible! i’ve been deliberately trying to be friends with everyone this game, to make nobody want to kill me, but if someone I can eliminate’s bset chance of winning is to kill me, I sure as hell am going to eliminate the threat!

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I don’t care what card I have. Sacrifice, Jester, Mastermind. God fucking knows what I will be.
Your life is dependant on what people want you to be.

If they want you dead, you die by me.
If not, you’re alive.

Luna don’t deny me my vengeance against whysper

what has Whysper even done this game?

i’ve been subtly trying to murder them since the end of chapter 1 :triumph:

I can and will take on the sacrifice without killing you.
And proof of that is I fucking tried to do that this chapter.

they nominated amelia

does the psychic link go both ways
does PKR know if ici rands sac

it does not go both ways but i would tell PKR if that happened, yes

because control of where the rolecards go is actually something the mastermind would want, so that they’d know who the sacrifice is and presumably try to hand off the card to someone likely to get voted out.
this is why there kind of shouldn’t be so much reliance on voting out people we plan to vote out.

If Ici gets Sac I basically lose the game and have 0 reason not to vote her to win.

i have absolutely no reason not to be honest with PKR

Okay, seems like I have to list what I’ve done for comparison, so I will.

Chapter 1:

  • Started assembling doll.
  • Found paper inside doll.
  • Found 1k yen bill used later for getting doll leg.
  • Used skill to determine that Geyde has no passive or non-shareable passive.
  • Used skill to determine that Ici has speedy passive where negative SPD has no effect.
  • Discussed MM PoE with Misty to determine good candidates for next passive checks.

Chapter 2:

  • Initiated digging of Jane’s grave that others joined later. This was where Sacrifice card was found.
  • Dug up Amelia’s grave alone and found Commoner card.
  • Dug up GGhana’s grave alone to be complete and make sure nothing important there.
  • Used skill to determine that Light had Chemistry passive.


Votee Votes Count
Marl Whysper, Mistyx, Intensify, ArcticXI 4
Whysper Trochilidae, Marl, WindwardAway, Zone_Q11 4
Not Voting Apprentice, Marshal, Geyde, Icibalus, Blizer 5

Bold = Locked

These are the votes according to what I could see people have expressed so far with fair certainty. Please let me know if something is incorrect. Thanks.

If I am allowed to live, my plan going forward is to ask everyone to claim their passives and then secretly choose someone to check. The MM may have a passive on their real rolecard and/or their fake rolecard. They may not know if it can be copied or which would be copied. And hopefully the host won’t reveal that. So we may be able to catch the MM lying about their passive.

I still plan to mostly explore on my own because I think I can get things done easier that way. My priority is solving and winning this game for as much of the group as possible. I do not swear allegiance to anyone in particular. However, if I give my word on a deal, I will always keep it to the best of my ability. In games, I believe in only making limited deals (e.g. next round I won’t attack you) because otherwise game-long allegiances are unhealthy for a good game.

i’m assuming you can’t check passives in the main game right

Can I say something pretty unrelated to the thread and very selfish?
I’d like to not be the first person with both their neighbors dead in the main game lol. If you kill Marl then I have no neighbors, which I am guessing is what someone wants.

beacuse my passive confirms that i’m telling the truth that the weather has a deeper meaning