Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

We could also pivot to PKR and keep both myself and whysper alive
this satisfies PKR’s wants, Arctic’s wants, Whysper’s wants and my own wants

Then Whysper can confirm i’m telling the truth in the next chapter

@Whysper @PokemonKidRyan @Arctic thoughts?

removing PKR removes someone from our group like arctic wants
it keeps myself and whysper alive to pursue our agendas towards solving the mastermind
it lets PKR be a hero and die again

And mine.
I’m ok with that if the majority agrees.

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and since Ici has confirmed PKR’s card is 100% the commoner there is no risk involved for anyone else

Correct, I can’t. Plus I already used up my chapter 2 one anyway.

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What about my idea i just gave of pivoting to PKR?

i want people to know i’m not lying about the weather having deeper meaning

and you checking my passive can prove it

Well, most people seem to feel pretty confident you aren’t MM, so you likely wouldn’t be in the MM PoE for checking.

I think Marl’s point was more that his ability isn’t totally useless like Arctic seems to imply it is.

even if you dont check me i think both of our abilities are more useful to finding the mastermind than PKRs

Ahh, I see. Well, we can see what people want to do about the passive check.

the only person who loses out is Ici if we vote PKR because she doesn’t have a person whom she knows the role of

on the other hand Ici benefits as well because there’s no danger of PKR killing her.

but at the same time it also saves ici the risk of pkr rolling sac and ending her life

that too lol

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anyway Arctic has been advocating we kill Ici and/or PKR for a while now, so I’d like to see what he thinks of your suggestion.

do not remove PKR