Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

I owe it to him to keep him alive simply because of how selfish the optimal play in certain situatons is.

but if PKR already locked his vote on himself because he’d rather die than let Marl die, would it change your opinion?
I guess you can just ask him personally but that’s what I remember him saying pretty clearly.

I’ve said I’d rather die than Marl.
But it’s not as if we’re the only 2 choices.

pkr dying is 100% -EV for me
i lose both a mechanical advantage and an alliance that can only be shaken by very particular circumstances that likely won’t arise

Whysper’s ability will help us find the mastermind

“likely wont arise”
him getting the sac card could do it

can i be honest
i locked my vote on whysper then regretted it almost the minute afterwards

well i’m not dying today either way so

oh whoops.
that’s two lockvotes on Whysper, then.

I’m pretty much lock not MM though anyway.
I’m a clear which is not bad to keep

yeah except that Arctic likes killing the clears instead…

And that’s 1 vote. Idc.
Arctic can vote me.

You all don’t have to.

i’ll keep my vote on whysper then

Arctic’s vote is currently on Marl, who is tied with Whysper for most votes. So if we aren’t CFDing to you, PKR, then people need to pick a side and not lock until we see a clear trend.

unless arctic/app/marshal/trochi all think it’s better to kill pkr

I regret having locked my vote during the heat of the moment earlier.
I know in the end my 1 vote on myself could potentially cause my death.

I just cared about Marl and wanted them alive.
If I had calmed myself we’d have another Whys vote rn…

since I literally skipped reading about 200 messages in here, what were people’s latest thoughts, anyway? I mean besides those of us who have been in the thread recently.

I think I fucked up but I basically want to fight here just because I know that I owe Ici that much if not more. And I don’t want to just gamethrow.

I know I can do well. I was not involved in the first trial that Mist was (with the gun) but I worked out the solution myself.

I have logical contributions that I can make that I know she does well with too.

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we aren’t killing pkr because if intensify isn’t the sacrifice then he is

although it shouldn’t really matter because it’d out ici lying about him being a commoner

What sort of motivation would Ici have to even lie about PKR being commoner? If PKR got the sac card I think it would be advantageous for Ici to just throw him under the bus and out him tbh. Ici’s vote is literally not on PKR and she locked it already.

I think you’re still missing the case where Mist is holding the sac card and not Intensify. I highly, highly doubt PKR has the card, but if it isn’t Intensify, then Mist is my next guess. Remember people generally trade the sac card to people they don’t mind killing, and idk about Intensify specifically but a lot of people have wanted Mist dead since Chapter 1, therefore she’d be a trade target.