Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over




Apparently the traded it onto Marshal, but wind is also claiming to have been traded for the second trade

not touching either them we will see in phase 2 with votes there

if it makes u feel better i dont got any tokens at all, so like i couldnt have done it. And u could be like got it from challenges but like two people can confirm i couldnt

sorry but
marshal isn’t the sacrifice

you really don’t have to be a genius to realise this

after complaining about trochi ‘giving up and sacrificing herself’ he doesn’t do literally the exact same thing

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yo ici
you outed me

no trochi
you didn’t have enough tokens to do the trade
you chose a hard challenge and failed and that was it before the trade happened

no i’m saying
she outed me as having a “dual identity”
with her psychopath comment

and lol

Would you believe me if I were to say that I have it?

IDK honestly anymore

i have no idea to what reason why someone would trade me for this first trade unless they had specific info that i somehow got sac

Like, random trading my ass feels

kinda weird ngl

uh possibly if you actually explained

how do you think I feel about getting traded commoner for commoner lol
I mean I could see it as a way for someone to ensure I didn’t have the sac card but otherwise I literally have no idea why

ah shit my bad

I mean like

again, i had the sac

which is why me getting traded with feels incredibly weird

I get your point, though
I don’t see why someone would randomly trade and risk getting the sac card unless they specifically wanted to ensure that the person they were trading with wasn’t holding the sac card
i.e. either they wanted to keep you in the game, or they wanted the sac card lol

and if they wanted the sac card then they had to have known

Only person i told about the sac before trade was App

well app is keymaster

@Apprentice did you tell anyone else about the sac card?

who would actually want sac and think they could win with it?