Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

i’m useful
i swear

i’m dying lightyears before you are

i mean i’d like to see the person that tries to kill me

@Marshal quit playing the pity party game and tell us the truth

I will never rescind being the recipient of the second trade, and no sacrifice card was passed around.

As sacrifice i would not claim the trade in the first place, and the person trading me would simply out me in that case, but nobody has done so. Therefore I’m not sacrifice, and Marshal is not involved in the second trade. Additionally, if someone had traded him the sac card, they could just out him right now.

In either case, there’s no reason for information not to be confirmed unless the mastermind was involved in the trade.

So if no one will claim the other end of either of the trades and they yoinked the sacrifice card to trade it off, they’re in the MM PoE after this.

But if Blizer is telling the truth about having the original sac card, then there really was someone who wanted to win with the sac card.

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ive been saying this
who thinks they could win as sac
who had the stars to gain tokens

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i didn’t even know how trading worked until a bit ago
plus windward can attest for my wherabouts like all of that day

so it’s between marshal misty whysper app arctic in my eyes

and i can remove app

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zone too forgot about him
i dont think dat does that his literal first round of the game

marshal probably sees himself as a potential yeet which is why he’s lying about this
so what if we just like
yeet marshal

i’m trying to consider if marshal lies about this

unless he stole the sac card from blizer he is lying i think
blizer sounded like he was telling the truth earlier

and if he did steal the sac card from blizer it’s like entirely his own fault lol

@Marshal get in here i know you didn’t mute this

that’s the thing
see my other Point was the fact that clearly the person with sac thinks they can win with it
i wouldn’t put it past marshal

so yes he could be lying
but he could also be telling the truth in a weird way

what a shame
looks like i have to spam him weezer spoilers

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@Marshal you better get in here and say it ain’t so

I have a list of people who got stars

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so we just yeet outside that list basically