Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

K thx bye

ooo lore taser

well that’s great for you but we have a different wincon to you apparently, and we have to worry about actually playing this main game

which involves making sure we aren’t voting out the sacrifice, and we aren’t voting out anyone who could be useful to us later

trochi has very clearly spewed herself non-sac by the way in which she refuses to say who she’s voting (so as not to piss anyone off) and she’s been pretty much useless and a liability

if your sole objective is to defeat the mastermind, wouldn’t it be better for you to keep around people who are more likely to do that? i don’t think trochi is one of those people

They are neccecarily good for me to keep alive becuase I know they aren’t the Mastermind.

you don’t know this 100%, it’s just unlikely they are the mastermind and the same can be said for a lot of people here

come on arctic
you know for a fact that the Mastermind never kills anyone in the danganronpa sim
trochi is in the clear

killing is very +EV for the mastermind
the less people there are in the main game, the more likely it is for the sacrifice or keymaster to be voted out

they’d kill in normal circumstances, not when killing someone would get a class trial with the explicit intent of catching them, and would out them as the killer eventually anyway
if they wanted to assassinate someone they would do it a time that is not now

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not if they knew they could get away with it, which she did

she would’ve been outed by the Class Trial’s results even if i hadn’t come in

why does that matter

if the Mastermind wnated to assassinate a threat, they would absolutely not want to be directly connected to that kill

Im not MM either, i randed sac lol

ici you assume you know exactly what’s going on in the mastermind’s head
they have in no way been playing optimally here, and you’re using arguments of ‘mastermind wouldn’t do this because’

the point stands that unless you are mech cleared as MM, there is a chance you can be the MM

MM hunting would still imo pin to marsh or Mist in most worlds at this point

a mastermind who is low-levelling the game would just assume someobdy else would kill and woudln’t do it themself
besides there is a nonzero possibility that DR rules were in place and the Mastermind couldn’t kill during the killing game sim

I’m saying that the case for Trochi being MM is so astronomically unlikely that keeping her alive is for the best.

isn’t it better to have people who are more likely to help you solve the mastermind than people who simply are unlikely to be the mastermind

i would rather endgame with 5 people who have been solving usefully and could be each be the mastermind, rather than 5 people unlikely to be the mastermind not doing anything