Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Now then the 9th trade maybe u could have done, but if so why lie

Oh if I didnt explain the quotes. Its simply. Impossible. I was the tenth trade. Arctic couldnt have taken it from trochi as that would require trade 9 to be the trade with me.

And that even more conflicts with Blizers lie

who’s playing survivor now

Basically at trade 8
Me sage trochi keymaster Zone sac
Trade 9
I’m still sage trochi is still keymaster or I would have been informed and Zone sac
Trade 10
I get traded the commoner card and arctic knows trochi the keymaster. U see the problem.

There’s still the question with the first few trades, considering that at least someone out of me, Windward, and Arctic is lying about a particular trade.

I claim trade 4-6 were between me and Zone. Trade 7 had to be Zone and troch as troch knew I was keymaster and I got sage in trade 8
Trade 8 was as well. Trade 10 I got a commoner for my sage.

Basically 1-3 are a mystery and trade 9 we have 2 people lying

Well, Trade 1 isn’t. I gave the starting Sacrifice to Zone.

And u got commoner right

Like it’s fine to claim. It gives u potential to be the sac, but simply we dont vote u

Yes. Then, someone traded with me, Commoner for Commoner.

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Trade 2 or 3

I don’t know which one, let me ask Wazza.

i thought i was 10th trade hold on let met check time

im either 9th or 10th trade

they are like a minute apart

Great, Wazza isn’t telling me if I was the 2nd or 3rd trade.

i mean

wazza wouldnt tell us that

thats kinda unfair, cause that info can out sac and shit

Trade 1: Ici to Zone. Sac to Commoner
Trade 2: ??? to Ici. Commoner to Commoner
Trade 3: ??? to ???. ??? to ???
Trade 4: Zone to Dat. Sac to Keymaster
Trade 5: Dat to Zone. Sac to Keymaster
Trade 6: Zone to Dat. Sac to Keymaster
Trade 7: Zone and Troch dont know who initiated, Keymaster and Sage
Trade 8: Dat to Zone. Sac to Sage
Trade 9: ??? to ???. ??? and ??
Trade 10: ??? (Arctics info legit makes him sage or mm) to Dat. Commoner to Sage

Basically Blizer you would have to fall into the trade 9 category. Claim both cards involved.