Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Like arctic I want to beleive your not mm, i more beleive ur the sage that dont want to die, but why stall that like doesnt help anyone but causes chaos

Like legit id be down to die, if it helps. But thats convincing a pool of people that Im a commoner that u or someone else traded me. If it wasnt you, you have explaining to do with trochis keymaster thing. And for me to die thats convincing people I didnt get the one of six chance of being the sac. Thats why voting whysper like Mist says is like the same problem. You have to put faith in others. Like Troch is confirmed keymaster unless Blizer is lying. They are never the exe. Ici is prob never the exe cause even if they are the sac they prob wouldnt die. And they havent claimed my trade. Sage is always the safest exe if we dont want to insta lose. But if yall want me dead go for it. I cant give you more than my word as any commoner can. That leaves a poe of 6. 5 of which can have the sac and one cant. Thats why in every world the sage vote is the best but hey thats my theory a game theory thanks for watching

Hell go for a me exe if u want. Its a risk, but it reduces mm pool. Im a commoner that got traded as the tenth trade. Simple as that, had the sage someone stole it, and doesnt want to die as its the safest kill. Hell I wish u never traded. I would of went down on the ship as it would put the people I trust in the finale. Ici and Troch. Those are the two people I would say if they make it to finale ur prob good. The rest are either doing nothing, causing chaos, or lying.

Also like anyone elses thought on the matter would be great. Cause it feels very like a 2 person trial. Cmon people play

my vote dont move til i receive the proof. But we will see

I’m going to self-vote just in case so that I’m still a possibility in the 2nd phase. Dat might be right about the whole plan for voting the Sage and maybe that’s the plan we end up using. But there still needs to be a POE of more than just 2 people for 2nd phase, so I’ll vote myself so it’s not randomly someone else.

BTW, no trades were with me. And actually I don’t think I was ever part of a trade throughout the game. I suppose that’s a good thing. :slight_smile:

you see the issue is i’m not even the sage
somebody took it off me when i did a trade myself

ok what? So ur saying you were apaer of 2 trades towards eod?

The problem i have with that. Is that would mean I had the trades wrong for 9 and 10. Now while i admit im very adament that trade 10 was the trade that stole my card I could be wrong cause span of 1 minute and host being slow. Cause I saw the announcement asked arctic and trochi as I was worried someone traded with zone as he couldnt physically trade by himself and thought why tf are people trading when we have stuff on lock. Saw the tenth card trade and then saw my card i received. So the poe for sage then would be u and Blizer, as blizer claims a trade with u and him. But says its commoner for commoner. So depending on which trade happened first, sage is either you or Blizer

We are in two worlds

World 1:
Trade 9 was Blizer v Arctic
Blizer would be in commoner pool
Arctic would be sage

World 2:
Trade 9 was Arctic and Me
Blizer would be sage
and Arctic would be in commoner pool

Now each of these worlds can contain a liar covering for the other
or a sac trying to be sus

@Arctic can u expand on this

no not really that’s pretty much correct

No like to be 100% certain your claiming two eod trades. One with me where u initiated and one where u received a commoner card from the sage u had

Cause this can be ur saving grace as slow host can explain shit

the fact he just wont say yes or talk to me bout my thoughts has me questioning if i was originally right and this is a way to save him. I feel like im the only one solving here

yeah i did do a trade at the end, we already know that

with me?

Me right now

uh huh