Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

repeat after me:

we will only lockvote after we 100% have a consensus

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We will not lock vote because at least one person will lie about it

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Wind who you voted lol

Not claiming. I voted someone I thought didn’t have the sac card, but I’m not claiming until everyone else claims their votes.

lock vote bad

Wind lol

your not even in the pool

are you also not rescendio on that trade btw

If everyone tells the truth, you’ll know who I voted by process of elimination. If someone lies I will know.

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I’m not rescinding that trade

i respect that

you’re implying here that you know that the Sacrifice’s vote will be obvious, since if everyone claims truthfully there will be two votes left over

But that’s exactly the point, I’ll be able to tell if someone lies because I’m not in the pool, but I know where I placed my vote.

Yes and there’s a reason for that

which to be fair, it would be unless there was specifically a vote on you

Someone did vote me, though
Which is interesting.

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So until someone claims it, or until only two unclaimed votes are left, I will not claim my vote.

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am i correct in assuming @Arctic voted for me

windy has the big brain

Yeah but like players might have two ults too. :eyes:

why exactly are you saying this when it’s plain that no ordinary participant has two, discrete alts?

Cause I have two but i originally had one. It was dumb and Geyde didnt do it so I got two cooler ones. So like ur assumption is wrong mrs. host