Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

okay your role is confusing and i’ve suspected you as MM because of it
could you please explain what the hell your abilities are

i know you’re fuzzy on the details but
the fact that we find a piece of paper called “CARDLESS” that seems to be connected to the MM, you’re the Ultimate Retailer, and you have claimed to not know most of the details of your own role
is suspicious, you have to admit

we theorised that maybe you were MM but just… didn’t know?
which would be bad game design but w/e

i’m built different

Uh sure. My og ult was I could pick up the sac card at any time during chapter 1. But if I didnt do that I got two new ults. As Geyde wasnt the sac chapter 1 that didnt happen. It was originally worded that it looked like I would only get a new 1 but I got two.
Now during the find card phase I can find whatever card i want. And the other ult is I can do a trade at anytime with my cellphone. But I cant use them during same chapter Geyde hasnt used either so I have both to use. Was just gonna use it to help my best bud out

oh so you were able to trade without specifying who you traded with…

Hey I have nothing called cardless in my cc. I had a card from the beginning, some of my abilities were obscured from the beginning but I dont got anything hidden now. Like u may theorize I’m mm all u want. I can do non MM things like kill someone next exploration phase if u want

but jane decided who got which card?

would this have worked if the card was already picked up?

Maybe I didnt ask

Trochi is only not MM because of the specific circumstances under which she killed.
Otherwise, it’s actually fairly likely the Mastermind will kill someone at some point this game.

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i get the feeling there will be yet another attempt on my life next round

I legit feel bad for you

Oh I thought that’s why u cleared her. Um is there a way I could do the same. I wanna help as much as I can

Get me out of the pool and like help yall win

i do not regret my actions

The circumstances was that the game became Danganronpa, something that I doubt the other hosts will allow.

that, and also because I think Trochi had to kill with the scythe in order to unlock her alt version

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assistance would be more appreciated than sympathy

ah, like App’s ult in DR4

trochi 2.0