Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

otherwise you will literally be lock MM as far as i’m concerned

I had sac and it was traded away from me first phase

i wasnt lying about that

Also question, is there a certain room u have to be in for trading cards. Cause would that lmit our pools on who traded, mayb except me if u dont trust me

none of the people that could have traded with you are in the sacrifice PoE

literally every room has a ring up box i’m pretty sure

every room except the hallways have one

so, do you want to learn a Fun Fact:tm:

i do yes

then my ability is kinda useless, if it can be used in any room, other than it might be free. Weird

i have no fucking clue man

im super clueless to where the sac is

ici was the only one who could have traded with you blizer but she doesn’t have the +1

in the hallway outside the simulation there is a Ring-Up Box. Mamoru doesn’t know why it’s there.

sure hit us with it

special box?

it’s just a Ring-Up Box. I don’t know anything about it, and it didn’t work when I tried to use it.

does your ability still require you to pay the regular price for a trade, or is it free?

maybe that’s it actually

someone requested to trade a card without specifying whom to trade with, right?

it might go through the external box

but that still doesn’t make sense if neither blizer nor i intentionally traded

it implies i can do it from anywhere on the map not sure if free 100% though can ask, my one passive gave me 50 spare me tokens, that i think i can use to buy one though

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also thread is loading very wonkily on my end, sorry fi takes a bit to respond

one passive as in only one or one passive as in one of multiple