Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

oh right, that kind of makes sense
I mean you’d have to trade your tokens but you could do it for a star or for someone else’s tokens

1 passive, 1 ability, 2 ults

so you just have two ults and i have two separate cards?

i can only access one card at a time so hm

yeah but i cant use them on the same chapter. Also my ability is really fucking funny, and i kinda dont want to mention it.

i wonder if i can use it now

now i’m intrigued

imma use it on you trochi, dont worry its gonna be totes worth

well if i can use it now

this is worrisome


nah its gonna be great, you will love it

I’m waiting for Trochi to like… explode into tokens or something weird

do i have to speak in poems or something

No its a present

oh no dat bird is mailing me a dat bomb

can’t help but think of a Delibird present
who knows what’s in it

DatBird is really Delibird

no whats something super duper big and sharp

my comically large knife?