Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

no i mean like

if it’s 3v2

sac claims sac, sac and mastermind vote sac

thats 3 votes on sac both rounds for sure

that’s your logic right

yes but if sac openclaimed then everyone would openclaim sac to stop us auto losing

then the MM can just work it out based on the votes


so there would be a failsafe in play to prevent that

because that’s an unfun way to end the game

“Why are you so sure we would have a Main Game with 5 people alive, including the Mastermind?”

“We already have our victor in Marluxion. The rest of you are disposable. The moment you drop below 5 is the moment we kill you all.”

i suppose that’s one way to resolve it

does that mean we aren’t having a chapter 5??

or at least not a chapter 5 main game

“Well, there’d be 6, would there not?”

what if i killed someone

if i kill someone then we don’t get a chapter 5 main game?
cool that’s another reason to not kill me
if i kill someone in chapter 5 exploration then only 1 more person dies rather than 2

if you kill someone in chapter 5 exploration i think we all just die

@Wazza explain please

why should you get a pass for killing someone when you all went apeshit on me when i tried

i’m not going to kill anyone unless it prevents the chapter 5 main game
i could have killed you last chapter if i wanted to for the sake of it

so how exactly does that ability work

it literally just lets me kill someone if i have everyone infected

were we supposed to be informed we were infected?
