Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over


trochi don’t tell me you’re seriously thinking i’m making this up now
i told blizer i had a conditional strongman

i just literally think the ability is interesting

and let’s be real here

you of all people would benefit the most from the 5th chapter not happening

since if only 4 people can survive to the end, uh, let’s look at the 4 people confirmed not to be MM - blizer, wind, ici, misty

i don’t see you there

then again you could always get lucky with the cards since that seems to be a recurring theme

i mean if we go socially i’d say i’m pretty non mm

means nothing when only 4 people can survive and there are 4 mech clears

i know
had to make the point regardless

but yes
the cards like me quite a lot

maybe they won’t next chapter
you have to get exactly keymaster or you will be killed

and if one of the 4 mech clears start with sacrifice, who do you think they’re going to give it to?

i have quite a few tricks up my sleeve arctic
don’t you worry about me i’ll be fine

no, you won’t
you don’t know what abilities people have
i know someone that can outright prevent you doing something for 12 hours iirc

and you don’t know what exactly i have

here’s what’s going to happen if we go about this the way we are now

you vote me out, blizer or whatever dies as sac

next chapter one of you and datbird is made sac and the other is voted out

again, trust that i wouldn’t be this confident unless i had some tricks up my sleeve
now, tell me exactly what benefit i get to keeping you alive

the fact that i’m very clearly not MM, and datbird is
plus he’s spewed himself commoner just as much as i have

with that bullshit about how he was willing to sacrifice himself this chapter, you’d think he would have just kept the sacrifice card and then have us vote out zone, right? that makes it less complicated

except for the fact that getting voted out as sac doesn’t help towards the MM’s wincon (not like he would have gotten voted out anyway lol)
i’m also willing to bet he had a TMI that whoever got sac card died at the start of this main game

“Hm? What am I explaining?”

you say we die if we go to 5 people
what happens if i kill someone in chapter 5 exploration

ok thanks i guess