1.1.3 Patch Notes

Also thats the point of the merc and sellsword its basically a wild card


I like this idea. I also agree that new Surveillance is an unnecessary buff to BD. You should leave deducing the class of the person who checked as Unseen to deduction

However I like the new Sellsword, I just think it and Merc should be convertable.

Why would you ever want to convert a sellsword?

it would be rare but we need more convertables and he doesnt necessarily need unseen to win against NK

Sellsword is an ally to the Unseen. Converting him is negative utility

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not in a situation where he would possibly side with NK

In any situation where he would side with NK converting him won’t save you.


That’s pretty rare

They are done with dead interaction you know i dont think they would add that ability to mystic .-. Espically since link minds works

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If night begins and it’s MM, Sellsword and Possessor, converting the Sellsword guarantees your win if the Possessor attacks the MM. Whereas if you did not convert the Sellsword, he would be able to choose whether you or Possessor wins.

The sellsword has already won though.

Oops you’re right. So just add a single BD to that situation and I think it will show converting the sellsword helps MM win.

Why don’t they convert the BD then…


Even if it’s a Prince that still would be a situation where converting the Sellsword is pointless. If it’s Hunter then the NK kills you or the Hunter and you are night back where you started

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For Hunter a Possessor controls you into him and a Reaper Empower reaps you. With a Prince he jails and exes one of you and then the Sellsword has to vote with the survivor.

In fact. Let’s take the Sellsword Poss/Reaper MM situation.

Starts in day: Already Kingmaker, too late to convert.

Starts in night: Reaper empower reaps you regardless. Possessor kills sellsword and wins the 1v1. If the Sellsword occupies the Reaper then he is clearly siding with you anyway

If a drunk happy hour the possesor its 2 v 2

1 V 2 V 2 actualy. Sellsword is on 2 teams.

Especially because the MM would convert the Drunk.

I don’t remember the sellsword being able to count as 2 votes