54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Would probably be interesting to set a turbo up, with heavy mechanics, instead of heavily nerfing them like in CFoL.

You would need to rebalance the setup for that then
Scum factional kill is essential. Nightless breaks this.
Informed minority is essential. Making a game with 4 NKs is still FM.
Uniformed majority is essential. Palace game breaks this.
You would just need to make it in a manner it won’t become an openclaim fest.

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That’s not priestess argument, she said tol is tol without lynches

Don’t change anything and remove lynches for a month and come back and discuss

Claiming is not necessarily bad.
And I don’t really see a way to stop people from claiming anyways. Claimvig doesn’t work.

“Scum factional kill” isn’t really essential, since you can just convert instead.
“Informed majority” isn’t really essential, NKs aren’t informed.

Ironically I think the best way to change someone mind is to let them touch fire

Can’t. Removing lynches would make the game heavily scumsided. You’d have to buff the mechanics overall, if you would want to do this.

Then it’s not tol anymore is it? Changing mechanics will change tol

I hope this is sarcasm :thinking:

For real… do you see ways how to stop people from massclaiming, in general?

It’s me eating chips and trying to argue with one hand

Hi eating chips, how are you :wave:


I was telling you it’s me? Why would you call me your name


Priestess it literally says inspired by mafia

Wait what that’s vool

Linking steam pages like that

Wait tf, are you german?



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