54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Tbh, a lot of classes in the GI thread’s already pretty bad. My Ben Shapiro one will probably need to be blocked from rolling otherwise they’ll insta-win if they aren’t lynched D1.

Yeah, and thats why the other thread should be reopened so classes like that can be put in there

I generally don’t post that big of memes

The problem is that most of my classes are reasonable

Also, my self-resolving meme has really gotten out of hand.

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theres only like 7 alice cards


I still want to know what your thought process was behind that play


Claim self-resolving for reactions, shoot a wolf to fake a desperado shot and clear myself.

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I want to know why you locked a old thread, like yes this new one is prob better and can be rolled with some half decent rolls but let the meme thread version of it live and thrive

What’s this about?

I agree with Dat on this

was to make sure people didn’t get mixed up

In LotR FM, Alice fakeclaimed a self-resolving Desperado as a PGO-equivalent with a 1-shot dayvig for people on her wagon.

Tbh, if I’m doing something that makes you go WTF, I’m probably some kind of strong PR like what happened in that FoL where I repeatedly kept up a Princess fakeclaim as Prince.

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Change the name of the old one if you need to, as long as it keeps Ashes Thread its already iconic enough, but like change it in a way both can coexist

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Okay I know what almost none of that means but I can guess
Desperado=Neutral with day-vig?
PGO=No idea
Am I half-right?

As scum I never go for crazy plays like that unless I’m nearly getting lynched like claiming Priest as a Sorcerer, so here’s some meta on me.

If people promise to only do effort posts on the actual GI thread and stop with the named variants or ‘prince’ that must claim self-resolving I’ll reopen the old one for really bad meme classes


I Promise

how does this work