54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ah, see, there’s your problem
you played a light game


I’m doing the hydra thing I expect great memes from that

And everybody is awful in their first mash, 12/12 is hard to get used to. But once you get used to it, 12/12 is pretty great tbh

Also modbot is god-tier


I agree

I’m on the middle of nowhere no service come back !

Now we are finally free

Everyone knows the best place to hide is in insanity


That feels wrong.


Well it’s your fault for being named insanity


Oh gosh, please don’t remind me the game where I slank really hard.

I also slanked pretty hard

Meanwhile the world will spin!
Hypnotizing, terrorizing
Those locked within!



Quick question, is your name pronounced Ih-kih-buh-luhss or Ihck-ee-bah-luhss or something else?

I thought it was ih-sib-uh-luss

…Soft c didn’t even occur to me despite making more sense with English pronunciation rules. I think my brain was subconsciously reading it as Latin-ish and applying the Classical (i.e. Objectively Correct) pronunciation rules (but only to the c, for some reason).

Gonna be honest… I completely lost you on that 2nd sentence

If you’ve ever learned Latin, you would know.
…I said it like I learned Latin. I had like one or two lessons.