54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


@JakeTheWolfie Can you stop posting variants of your “cant speak cant vote cant anything” class please. They will be deleted, so as the last three or four. Everyone told you that this won’t be an accepted class.

i personally like the latest variant, where they can come back permanently

PFP’s can and will affect how other people interact with you and read you in mafia

change my mind

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I agree

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Profile pictures are too powerful plz nerf

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this isn’t a joke by the way

I think it’s true

I know

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imagine if we somehow wrote a guide on how to choose a profile picture to make you be town read on MU

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or something bizarre like that

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I have an idea

what’s the idea

wait for it

waiting is boring

Then next day everyone has same pfp on MU

now i won’t be able to be read at all

i will bask in anonymity



Tbh it works

on the serious side

i agree
because i played on a site that doesnt have pfps

and it was both weird and annoying

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Where did Sulit go