54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Some, you need to scope in to do maximum damage, as not scoping apparently does less damage.

You’re like 350 posts away

Also, I have a commentary here. Out, shush.

That’s the whole beauty of it. It’s my commentary on deluding myself that there is just 30 more posts away

Simply Edits Forum Title.

But I’m a nice person, I’ll never do that.

So, where were we.
Ah yes, the sniping.

The sniping can happen by clicking 4heads

Or, as simple as waiting it out to press the enter button at the right time.

But seriously, about sniping the cookie.

Who is actually here waiting for me to actually hit 300 posts?

I am, go ahead.


Abort plan

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How to play FPS effectively

  1. Use only knife
  2. Profit!

When in doubt, melee

Only use molotov

Weak, use your stand instead


That was really ridiculous

I just search why you guys are doing that and look at what I found