54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

dodges the knife and disarms you

My fist still punches you

dodges and stops roleplaying

Where are me armes

What should the average winrate of Neutrals be?

guess who nearly fell off a ladder getting christmas shit down by themself

@Arete i tend to compare fm players to survivor players, it helps me understand motives behind them. Nuclear is a Russel Hantz through and through. He knows he’s good, and when people just go “lol ur bad” he’s gonna react emotionally which imo is where the endless pushes came from. Which is AI as i don’t think scum would just lash out like that as they would have wolfchat to restrain him. I’ll defend Nuclear to the grave here, no good case on him has been made.

fuck wrong thread



up your sleevies

I don’t wear jackets. I just wear Jacks.


Consequentialism is an ethical system under which the morality of an action is determined by its consequences

I know that

I was making a joke about your last consequence you gave me

I’m trying to figure out a way to make words up randomly and put them in the post to make it look like I’m affected by that but I can’t think of truly random words

like it’s predictable

I give up

Lemme help you


US History Teacher:Okay today class we are going to learn about the second civil war. We previously talked about the rising tensions between the north and the south over the conflicts between whether or not cars should be allowed to run if they produce gas emissions. The north thought that it should be outlawed, and that it is morally wrong to harm everyone else in the world for your own ease. The south thought that it was fine that they use those cars.

This led to a civil war, where the north eventually won. Now, do you remember the talks we had about several organizations designed to protest global warming? Do you remember where bloody riots happened when they tried blocking the streets in the south? Other people in the south hated this group and ran them over if they tried standing in the street.

Kids:I can’t believe people would run over protestors who were doing what they thought was right? How is it possible that the south was on the wrong side of the civil war two times in a row? It’s unbelievable how sick and immoral these people are, when it’s obvious that the north was right about this.

Meanwhile on Twitter in the future between kids from this class

Kid 1:Oh my god, I can’t believe it. There’s protestors protesting robots replacing everyone in fast food restaurants. They are blocking the entrances, and making everyone who just wants to give food go somewhere else that doesn’t have robots. Isn’t that sick? They deserve the beatings they get from the fast food manager.

Kid 2:I totally agree


See with my help humanity and kitten can accomplish anything in less than a minute


Whenever you have someone who is thinking about how sick the south was during the civil war, send them this

its heroic until people are inconvenienced

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It’s not even that. People are used to it being that way. Judging people from the past about morals that were normal then is stupid.