54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I also studied hippolytus in the same course, u do that too?

Hippolytus in the actual myth is a fascinating illustration of how ahead of other civilisations the Greeks were on LGBT issues but awful on women’s issues.


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actually let’s not
i think the painkillers just kicked in and my enthusiasm just went out of the window

Lets talk about anarcho monarchism

But yeah, Greek myhts are fascinating, and while I’d much rather learn more about the history of Norse myths we have much much much less information about then.

i’m so tempted to talk about this because anmons are even funnier than ancaps

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but i shall resist. thou shalt not discuss politics (not even meming on anarchists)


You mad lad! I better get Judaism

Why your username is orange kid?

Shes a mod

We also have Eevee and Luxy as our other two mods

Hey gang you know what’s out?

No what’s out

YouTube Rewind 2019

Ooh link it

Look it up yourself lazybones

Still has 700k dislikes

It was just a watch mojo video. Better than last year but just boring

I haven’t watched it yet. Thanks for saying that since I was just about to