54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

And as far I trust my water tasting abilities it can detect if a water has over 170 mg/L bicarbonate or 9 mg/L sodium
Also before I started to pay attention to it I could already detect that Crystal water “tasted like newspaper” as a child because it has fucking over 100mg/L
It is natural from the font though

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Regurgitate in haste quick

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Anything that is not pure water coming out of the tap is pure heresy

Fun fact
In my uni admission exam today I wrote about the dihydrogen monoxide hoax

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Black gold comes out of my tap. Is there an issue occifer?

Not drinkable
Where is the purified water available to drink from get go?

Thats a thing?

@discobot fortune

do you lie?

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

dihydrogen monoxide killed my family


/I give up trying to ask disco

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Come to think of it… I can somehow imagine dihydrogen monoxide being sold to really unsuspecting people.

We heard of water. It’s plain, tasteless, bland, uncool, you name it. You want to drink something cooler? Look no further, for you’ve come to the right place. Our company, Scam Inc. has made a breakthrough in aquatic research. We use hydraulic presses and filter the water and therefore we have our product…

Dihydrogen Monoxide.

Oh my fucking god


All the English errors above are intentional


A Theoretical Degree in Evolution is the best Degree in Evolution

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Does the fence have to be a rectangle or could it be e.g. a half-circle

not sure if it changes the answer but it definitely narrows down verifying whether an answer is correct

has to be a rectangle. otherwise its just pi*((73/pi)^2)
aka circumference of a half circle = pi*r
area = pi*r^2

73 = pi*r
73/pi = r
pi*(73/pi)^2 = area

because a circle will always have the largest area for its perimeter, no matter how much perimeter that is

Goes the fence have to be made of metal or painted wood?

tfw the reason you did this was so you could do the wish granting thing but just hand off the wish to the next person

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