54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ah I see
13-22-4-4-6 11-18-17-3-4-15-8-3
22-19 is 3
np you right

This is how hype dies

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give us a new code geygey


This is a terrible class suggestion.

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It is unknown how effective the Caesar cipher was at the time, but it is likely to have been reasonably secure, not least because most of Caesar’s enemies would have been illiterate and others would have assumed that the messages were written in an unknown foreign language.

I feel the urge to create Warlock pact homebrews

I need a homebrew if you are interested but don’t have theme ideas

For what

I’m throwing the premise in a translator
The Mystic Lookalike should have a pact with their Mage but currently that only happens in flavor
maybe it should be a prestige class but eh not sure and it has the perfect context for a warlock pact tbh


The best wizard of every race, by unknown criteria, is naturally chosen by this world to bear a mark on his forehead. When chosen, a wizard retains the mark until his death, even if a “better” wizard appears while he is alive. These brands, in addition to their arcane use, have their social use - they give their bearers the recognition of being one of the best living wizards and to attend the exclusive meetings that the marked ones open with each other.

The arcane use of the brand differs by race, but all have the ability to create mystical lookalikes. A mystic lookalike is a person (usually a peasant) of the same race who is the victim of a ritual performed by a marked to become his servant until one of them first dies. The mystic lookalike gets the help of the magician needed to complete his tasks, but is also forced for life to follow them. This ritual does not give a bond of bondage to magic and is only social - if a mystic lookalike could escape the mark for life, it might as well.

Every mystic lookalike has some form of localization at a minimum, usually implanted in the ritual - be it a cursed magic item, a locating stone embedded in its flesh or magical lines that run through its entire body. Thus it is extremely difficult for a mystic lookalike to escape. Those who are powerful enough to remove such a location can enjoy the life of easy arcane power (even if they have to be servants) and can choose to stay on target. Normally, a checkmark only allows it to rise to this level if the double’s loyalty will be maintained.

A well-known power that brands offer all races is to hear the same voice that guides, warns, teaches, and predicts them, seemingly neutral and purposeless.

Because the best of each race is chosen, the scorers are not equal in power. More populous or living races almost always produce more powerful markings than sparser races that usually do not train magic (read, the human and elf markers dominate). She also does not exclusively choose the wizard class in the game statistics, but observes the highest level of magic that can be cast. This rating obviously favors fullcasters, as a halfcaster (such as a paladin) would need to be level 13 to match a level 7 fullcaster (as a cleric) or a level 19 arcane cheater / knight. Wizards are most commonly seen in sparse races due to to the 5th level magic capstone at level 7.

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I can do that
It definitely fits the fluff for a warlock pact more than prestige class

This thing is related more to the forgotten goddess of arcane magic rather than the mage themselves
the goddess of arcane magic loves the Mystic Lookalikes.

the fun fact is that a warlock can have mystical lookalives
in fact the marked wizard of the tiefling race is a warlock.

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the list of most powerful magic users had:

  • 7 wizards
  • 2 sorcerers
  • 1 cleric
  • 1 warlock
  • 1 artificier
  • 1 paladin
  • and 1 fucking rogue. a damned arcane trickster.

So ideally we’re going for a wizard ish (I’m looking at how other systems handled something like this)

the idea I get from this is that the lookalike gets some level of power but minor

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enough power for the tasks they are trusted to be completed

So there’s a deity that the lookalikes can form a pact with (?)
But they also get powers from being a lookalike

a lookalike is forced to pact with a wizard
but once they are a lookalike they start to hear voices
and the voices are from a dead deity

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actually this deity is alive but in a pathetic state where it lives inside the body of her most powerful cleric
I’m still undecided on making it her last cleric or just the most powerful out of the, like, 10 she even have.
and this cleric is able to be pacted as a Warlock patron.

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I’m thinking in homebrewing random monsters just to test if Gliffyglyphs stuff is good stuff and silently use my party as lab rats