54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Point is: there is no exact order in German.
You can have Subject Verb Object
Or Object Verb Subject
There is not much more order than “the verb should be somewhere in the middle”

trust me compared to the nightmare that is exact and proper english grammar german is extremely logical

German is really logical. You just have a lot of freedom to be as exact as possible

like it’s so much of a nightmare that there are grammatical rules that english speakers don’t even know but follow exactly based on instinct

like you just have Time-Manner-Place to determine the order of certain clauses as the main rule english speakers have trouble with
we have Quality-Quality-Size-Age-Shape-Colour-Proper Adjective-Purpose, a rule that I’ve been following my whole life without realising

why did we of all people have to take over half the world

What is this? I think this is wrong, we use time manner place in each possible order, and every time it has a bit different meaning

,Presumably you are wrong.

yeah honestly i had pretty bad German teachers so you’ll excuse my lack of understanding of the intracises of the language

maybe when i’m older i’ll get back to it

Its fun that the wiki site about this has no german version

i mean technically, there is grammar,
but effectively, there really isnt such a thing as “correct” grammar, in any language. language is ever shifting, and to say that there is one particular way it is supposed to be used just doesnt really make too much sense.

basically, anything that gets the message across is a correct use of language.

you can say “a green big box”, and while yes, it feels weird to say, its still the same object, and you know its still the same object, so to say that is an ‘incorrect’ way to phrase it doesn’t really… work…

No, Simon. You cannot say “a green big box”. I’m sorry, you are the weakest link. Goodbye.

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You've fallen right into my trap!

no u

There was a difference in the connotations of my enclosure talons as opposed to yours, so I didn’t say the… phrase.

fight me

guys, please
the logical order is “a big box, green”

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it’s not a green box it’s a box with greenness

perhaps a box that is green and big?
that feels fine

no it dosen’t
who are you, Simon
it’s “a box that is big and green”

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nah it feels fine either way, for some reason
i go by feel for these things most of the time

simon i would never write that sentence outside of my highly ironic shitty fanfics
