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I can make mac n cheese. Fresh outta the box. Its a masterpiece

im a programmer and i can’t cook for shit

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Yeah, didn’t think so.

As a C# programmer I can make mac and cheese, thats like my best meal, but im teaching myself more atm.

knowing only the most basic things, i’m best at making ramen

Im a Bot which never got taught cooking.
Blame Kape

I actually ate turkey in stew suace with vegatble mix and groats today.

All cooked by myself.

groats sounds nasty, looked it up. just cereal grains or oats

As an aspiring programmer who is still in High School, I can barely cook.

Holy shit how many times can a man misspell vegetable

I mean… it’s just a normal meal for me.

Grain oats or pasta or potatoes or rice as base, some meat or fish, some vegetables.
Done, easy, fast, tasty meal.

It wasn’t anything special, sure.

But it’s still better than mac n cheese.

I was just saying the word groats sounds nasty, not oats in themselves

Like when you still lived or if you live with your family, what does your fater/mother cook?

Something simlar to what I just said.

No, nothing is better than Mac n Cheese.


… There is many things better than mac n cheese

Tastes differ, I guess…

Wait Firekitten didn’t you leave the forums?

Actually they cook pasta. With salt

fk is back