54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

alright, i will prepare my wallpost on why im right

prepare to be outscienced


ok arete

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i mean the real argument is socks on or off in the shower

but that is an uphill battle that i have to face every day

im pausing my wallpost to say WHAT


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If you say on I might be forced to leave this forum

think of it though

you kill 2 birds with one stone


socks washed.

you never misplace your socks

and your feet are given an environment to rejuvinate

Why water is not wet, a thesis:

Prepare yourselves. This is gonna be a bumpy ride.

The story begins with the molecule. What is a molecule, you ask?

Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is just a lot of pictures moving really fast. So a video is actually just a mega wallpost, therefore I am locktown, and town is correct therefore I am correct.

This is very NSFW, please watch at your own caution.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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marshal what the fuck

when you pull your socks off after a long day it smells and your feet are all pale and sad

the shower provides a middle ground

a transition of sorts

your feet slowly gain back moisture after being deprived and your socks do not smell as they are immediately washed

when you peel off your socks no more pale damaged feet

your feet are rejuvinated

[everyone disliked that]

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i have clothespins in my bathroom for socks

at the end of the week they all get thrown in the laundry basket

and don’t stink up my room

also you fall less likely

There is no reason in the world to purposely subject yourself to the torture that is wet socks

marshal if this is a reactiontest please stop

i am going to call the police

i only shower sock before soap comes into play

see this is flawed logic

wet socks normally suck because the rest of you… isn’t wet and you have to walk around in plain day/feel the sock torture

but in a shower

it’s fine

No it’s not fine